
Uppercase Magazine 22 with Shelley Davies cover art

Uppercase 22

Uppercase Magazine is that beautiful, quarterly, Canadian, art/design/typography/craft publication that has been produced pretty much single-handedly by editor Janine Vangool for the past 15 years. I’ve had the pleasure of wiggling onto its pages in many issues for assorted creative call-outs, as well as featured in two of their ‘Encyclopedia of Inspiration’ series of books (‘Ephemera’ and ‘Art Supplies’), and was honoured to be commissioned by Uppercase to create the cover art for their issue #22 in 2014. With my colourful art gracing the outside, a wonderful article on me and my work was nestled on the inside. Janine has...

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The Four Elements Project

The Four Elements Project

A few years ago, I completed a huge collage project, my ‘Four Elements’, which was one long, large paper collage comprised of Air, Water, Earth and Fire, and filled to the brim with ephemera, photographic images and paper-constructed, 3D elements. Cobble Hill Puzzles then turned this behemoth into four, interconnecting jigsaw puzzles, which fit together vertically. A visiting filmmaker, Alan Agopsowicz, (the husband of my lovely photographer for the project, Jo-Ann Richards) said, ‘Wow, if I don’t make a film showing your process, no one will have any idea just how intensively handmade your work is’.  If you’re at all...

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My Northcott Fabrics

My Northcott Fabrics

Did you know I have three different lines of colourful textiles with Northcott Fabrics? All of my ‘Rainbow’ collages have been exquisitely reproduced on their beautiful, silky, 100% cotton, together with a range of solid-coloured fabrics to accompany each line. Because of the depth of detail in my work, the quality of the printing is essential, and Northcott has done a fantastic job translating my fun designs into really beautiful textiles. I was delighted to be the cover girl on their LookBook last year, too! Click on the images below to view each collection…   I’ve been delighted to see SO...

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Eames & Ravensburger Project

Eames & Ravensburger Project

 In 2021 I was commissioned by Ravensburger Puzzles to create two distinct collages for the Eames Office, the folks who keep the spirit of 20th century design giants Ray & Charles Eames alive (the business being run by their grandchildren). The brief was to create two jigsaw puzzle designs illustrating the many ways to enjoy the wonderful ‘House of Cards’ deck of interlocking cards, the ‘toy’ created by the Eames in 1952 to spark ideas and creative play (two of my favourite things!), which is still manufactured by Ravensburger today. Each deck has 54 interlocking cards which depict, as Charles...

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