‘Found Alphabet’, my latest 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle for Cobble Hill Puzzles has just been released into the wild, but so far only in the US. This vibrant collage is a medley of my very handmade, typographic submissions to the glorious typography project that is @36daysoftype, the annual, global and super-fun, Instagram challenge (thank you Nina Sans & Rafa Goicoechea, founders of @36days). 26 letters & 10 numerals in 36 days in any style: GO!
(FYI: In this puzzle, there are 35 symbols, to fit into their 5x7 puzzle grid)
Available at www.cobblehillpuzzles.com in the US, and coming to Canada very sooooon….🧩
And if @36daysoftype has intrigued you, check out the essay I wrote about it in Uppercase Magazine #55, found in the ‘Press’, section of this website.
AND I’ve created 3 different alphabet posters from my 36Days submissions, available here, here, and here; perfect for classrooms, children’s bedrooms, or just for type nerds like me :)