Uppercase Magazine is that beautiful, quarterly, Canadian, art/design/typography/craft publication that has been produced pretty much single-handedly by editor Janine Vangool for the past 15 years. I’ve had the pleasure of wiggling onto its pages in many issues for assorted creative call-outs, as well as featured in two of their ‘Encyclopedia of Inspiration’ series of books (‘Ephemera’ and ‘Art Supplies’), and was honoured to be commissioned by Uppercase to create the cover art for their issue #22 in 2014. With my colourful art gracing the outside, a wonderful article on me and my work was nestled on the inside. Janine has been kind enough to produce a digital high-res copy for us to flip through here, via Issuu. If this wonderful quarterly publication inspires you, (its byline is ‘For the creative and curious’), please think about subscribing to it, as it’s supported solely by its subscribers alone (and ad free). Each edition is dedicated to a theme: typography, printmaking, textile design, ceramics, quilt making, collage, etc, with issue #22 being all about colour; right up my alley!
Thank you, Janine, for your many years of creative support and vibrant inspiration!